Wednesday, 27 June 2012

Who Gets Mexican in Ireland?

No this is not a post about anything religious. 777 is the name of a Mexican restaurant that Kaitlyn planned for our group to go to today. With a name like 777, it should be great. What could go wrong?
I'm so glad you asked... I will try my best to make this list as concise as possible...
  1. When I google mapped the address, it told me it was 2 hours away.
  2. When I yahoo mapped the address, it was 15 minutes away. 
  3. When Joe and I got off the bus to meet everyone, we were in the middle of nowhere... 
  4. 3 Old Irishmen who had a tad to much drink told us three different sets of directions 
  5. Joe stepped in dog poop (which I actually thought was funny. He didn't)
  6. Why are we going to a Mexican restaurant in Ireland again? 
I think this restaurant should have been named 666 instead. After all of this Joe and I decided to hop back on the bus and head to Grafton street for dinner and then meet up with everyone after. It was a good decision because Gino's Gelato is on Grafton. You could can't pass without getting in the Q (that's what a line is called here). 
So you can see why you can't pass it up?
On a totally unrelated note.... 
I thought I would take some time to let you know how I'm handling living a green life... I'd say I'm adjusting pretty well with only a few minor bumps in the road... Ok, one bump. Laundry. 
Our washer is so loud, like NASA spaceshuttles taking off loud, that we aren't supposed to do laundry to late at night. So now laundry must be strategically planned between showers and nightfall...and giving yourself enough time to let things dry before you need them...We have resorted to some interesting methods... 

Desperate times call for desperate measures my friends.... Good thing my pants didn't fall considering we live on the third floor.
** About 2 minutes after this second picture was taken it started to rain... lesson learned about drying things outside in Ireland. Well played mother nature, well played. 

I hope this stuff dries quickly because I need to pack it for my trip to Scotland! (subtle transition I know) But really, I'm so excited yet still can't really believe I'm just hopping on a plane to a different country tomorrow! I can't wait! 

Until Tomorrow... 

   Becca :) 

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