But considering we didn't have to leave for the airport until 7, we had the whole day to kill. For Jorie and I that meant going to class and then searching for a place to eat where every item wasn't served with chips... I'm not kidding they come with Everything. I had never wanted a caesar salad so badly in my life... We struck gold in Eddie Rockets (our Johnny Rockets) of all places. I was in heaven.
After lunch we packed our bags, again unsure of what to bring, and were off to the airport!
Snack for the road!
One we got to the airport we had some time to kill, so we went to Burger King and I made friends and got a crown. Everyone in my group thought I was an idiot, but I wore that crown proudly.
We carried on the "shoe pic" tradition in the airport
It didn't work as well on the plane....
** Yes, I am wearing rainboots. It's supposed to rain the whole weekend and they wouldn't fit in my bookbag (the only bag I took).
So rainboots and all, the 10 of us were off!!
See ya Dublin!
I would compare flying with RyanAir to seeing one of those cars out on the road with a "student driver" sticker... we landed on one wheel... No matter the landing, we had made it! We were in Scotland without any major forks in the road! Now we had to figure out how to get to our hostile. The girls lets Paddy take control on this one.
Meawhile I found my mailbox....
Too bad I wasn't wearing my crown!
Paddy found the correct bus and we were off to Edingburgh Backpackers... Well almost. I seem to have left out one small little detail... before we could go to out hostile we had to find babez. I mentioned earlier that 10 of us where on the flight to Scotland. There were supposed to be 11, but dear ol' babez acidentally booked the 6:30 flight instead of the 22:00 flight like the rest of us (everything here is in military time... that was an adjustment!) So he was in Scotland. All Day. By himself... As if that weren't bad enough, we couldn't get ahold of him... once Sofia had wifi on the bus she recieved this message...
Sounds promising right? You could say we were all just a little worried about babez... and then this happened....
See that blurry splotch? That's babez. Walking the streets of Edinburgh Scotland at 24:30. His gaurdian angel was working overtime today... Once we found him we decided not to push our luck any more and head to the hostile to get some rest.
Tomorrow we'll be exploring Edinburg! Learning some bagpipes... buying some kilts... you know, the usual.
Until Tomorrow...
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