Saturday, 23 June 2012

True Life: I'm a Horse Whisperer

Today Jorie and I awoke from the best nights sleep we've had since being here... Which really isn't saying much considering in my Rathmines bed I wake up at least once am hour, spring in my side.
Somehow, even though I slept like I baby, I think all of the bad nights of sleep caught up with me and I felt more tired than ever. Nothing that a little Irish breakfast couldn't fix. I still haven't been able to stomach the black pudding (also called blood pudding or blood sausage.... its some type of animal blood stuffed into a sausage... or in porridge... normally I'm an adventurous eater, but that takes a few hours to warm up). I stuck with sausage, eggs, and toast. Not sure what it is about toast here, but it's the best darn toast to be had. And of course what breakfast would be complete without what grand Irish coffee. (Remember here that grand is not always the best). Maybe I need to get on this tea bandwagon?

After breakfast we were back on the bus to catch the ferry to the Aran island, Inis Mór, the largest of the three islands (just off the coast of Co. Galway). The bus ride wasn't bad but the ferry ride caused more than a few people to get motion sickness. By the time we got to the island it was cold, windy, and raining. We had the option to do a bus your or ride around the island on bikes. Thinkers that we are we chose bikes. 
Why not?

We rented our bikes from the self proclaimed "dangerous Dave" and then after biking up two huge hills, decided we needed coffee before we could take on anymore. We probably should have kept in mind that cycling in Ireland means cobble streets, rolling hills, and the occasional sheep and/or goat crossing... It made for an interesting day. 

We found a little cafe, "Lois Aengus," which I mistakenly called "Los Angeles" (oops) and ordered mochas....and my first chocolate cake of the day (yes I said first... yes I had it twice.... judge if you must). Not even joking, best cake I've had in my life.... 

I also fell in love with these guys... 

They are salt and pepper shakers... I don't care how goofy they are, I want to buy some! 

While we were in the cafe it started raining cats and dogs so we decided just to take our time, and once it slowed down we were off again. 

After visiting the Aran sweater market to get some souvenirs we explored the countryside. We took back roads and went to places that weren't bullet points on the attractions map. Jorie flipped at the sight of any cow... which was A Lot, and I did the same over horses, which wasn't as often but I made friends with one. 
Prepare for way too many pictures of my new horse bestie

He started all the way in the back... 

and through my horse whisperer ways I called him over... 

We Bonded

Highlight of my day week... life? Ok, maybe not that extreme, but it was definetly awesome. Much like the entire day. We didn't get to see a lot of the touristy things around the island, but I don't feel like I missed out on anything. I got to appriciate how beautiful the island was in a way that I imagine most tourists don't. 

And that concludes the Aran Islands. 
The evening consisted of Jorie and I breaking from the group to find Roberto's Italian restaurant in Galway City Center run by a lovely old Italian woman. Probably the best Italian I'v ever had... way to go Ireland? 
And my second delicious chocolate cake of the day.... Ladies and gentleman, when I return from Ireland 50 pounds heavier it will not be from the pubs.... No my friends, it will be because Ireland loves sweets, and that is something I can relate with all too well. 

And with the images of chocolate cake and a Violet Beauregarde looking Becca in your head, I'll call it a day. 

Until Tomorrow, 

   Becca :) 


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