Sunday, 17 June 2012

What do you mean there's no 3G up here!?!

Wicklow Day 2! 

I think my alarm went off about 5 minutes after I fell asleep...
After we spent a good hour laughing to ourselves Joe and Jorie fell asleep and I listened to a three part symphony entitled “who snores the loudest” arranged by Joe, Jorie and Romanian Steve, with a special guest accompaniment of Joe's stomach trying to digest his 100th fried chicken and chips meal since being in Ireland.

Needless to say I was tried. If it hadn’t been for my Dracula mug coffee topped off with 4% milk (yes, you read it correctly. 4%) I don’t think I would have made it up the mountain.

Before we left Trish gave us the lowdown on the various trails in the park and suggested we take the white trail which circles around Glendelough Valley.

Trish was the bomb, so we took her word for it. 

She drove us the 30 the minutes to the mountains, on the "wrong" side of the road while belting out Van Morrison the whole way there. We got there and had to walk about 30 minutes to get to the start of the trail so we took a few stops along the first of the lakes and a monastic city.
The monastic City from afar 

Headstone at the Monastic City 

Lower Lake 

 and I left a little piece of Jorie, Joe and myself in Wicklow!

We took some time to look for 4 leaf clovers 

And then it was time for the mountain... 

Here's the lowdown on the white trail of Glendelough "Glen of two lakes." It's official name is the Spinc and Gleneolo Valley Route. The trail ascends along Poulanass Waterfall and then you take a steep 600+ wooden step trek to a point that overlooks Upper Lake. After reaching the top you hike through Glenealo Valley and finally back down into Glendalough Valley.
That big long description translates into this... 

As I'm sure you can tell by the pictures, the day was perfect. The mountains were hands down the most beautiful thing I have ever seen. I am so incredibly blessed to be able to be in Ireland and experience all of this beauty with some pretty amazing people. 
Joe and Jorie kept me laughing the entire day. Joe (jokingly) couldn't seem to figure out why his international data plan wouldn't reach the top of the mountain and Jorie held up the rear to "take pictures," which looked something like this... 

Again.... plenty more where this came from.... Every time I asked if she was ok she would yell, "I'm not dying, I'm taking pictures!" The girl makes me laugh till I about pee my pants... or in this case, pee in a sparsely wooded area. 

Jorie and I also kept getting made fun of by other hikers for our runners (shoes). We didn't get the memo that vans were not Glendelough appropriate... oops. Lets just say our dogs were barkin by the time we walked through the rocky valley... But don't worry, that didn't stop me from climbing 

After Trish came to get us from the park and brought us back to town we were starved and just wanted some good food before heading back to Dublin. Since it was Sunday we knew most things would be closed, not to mention we were tired and didn't walk to walk all over town, we went to the resturaunt acorss from our hostile (where we had eaten the night before). 
Too bad the menu had changed and when we ordered 3 chicken ceaser salads we were given this... 

I literally thought Joe was going to explode. He turned more green than the Hulk and any hillside in Ireland put together... Regardless we ate it and hit up a Tesco on the way to the train station for some Candy which we shared with our new friends from Austriallia and Utah! 

After this weekend I'm sure it will take me a few days for my feet to stop hurting, but it was well worth it! Today was easily my favorite day I have spent in Ireland thus far and I am so thankful for every minute of it! 

Time for some rest and homework :/ 

Until Tomorrow... 

                  Becca :) 

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