Friday, 22 June 2012

Galway Girl

This morning I got up before the birds, packed my bookbag, and Jorie, Joe, Ryan and I hopped in a taxi to Christ Church to catch the bus for our weekend Galway trip! 
Despite getting very little sleep I was wired.... Jorie... not so much... 

I'll cut her some slack... it was 7:30 in the morning and I tend to be just a tad too upbeat. Everyone (except me) was about half asleep until the bus driver played "Galway Girl," and then we were all ready to go! 

Galway girl was obviously the most fitting song to send us on our journey, but afterwards the bus driver continued to play what I can only imagine was his "Lord of the Dance" sountrack. That caused another shift in the mood of the bus from tired, to excited, to slightly confused and annoyed... 

But we had a big day planned and we weren't going to let Michael Flatley get in the way of it! 
Our first stop was Dunguaire Castle, followed by the largest tatched cottage in Europe and then Poulnabrone Dolmen (portal tomb). After a morning full of driving and sight seeing we made a quick stop at McDermott's pub for some fish and chips and then were on our way to the Cliffs of Moher! 

As we pulled up to the cliffs we were warned to be extremely cautious. There are no barriers and that's not a fall you come back from....

We had heard a range from 2 to 0ver 100 of the number of people who die a year on these bad boys. We still aren't sure what the correct number is, but I know this; they are high. it's windy, and after you cross the point where the berriers end (that you aren't really supposed to cross but everyone does) some of the trails get a tad narrow.

That being said, the Cliffs were awesome! I expect everyone to grab a pen this instant and add it to your bucket list.... but seriously do it.
Here is why... 

I think I've made my point quite nicely. 

** For my mother Urka who worries about me climbing and being too close to edges: I wasn't being stupid, or unsafe, and certainly not a mixture of the two! I promise you I was being smart and not putting myself or anyone in danger. I simply have been finding that when I get to these places where I thought I would be scared, of heights etc. I'm just not. Which was very weird but cool to me!....There were a lot of things I thought I was scared to do, but once I actually face them, I'm not scared at all. 
Ok, Self-Revelation Over. 

Jorie decided not to go as far as Joe, Ryan and I and when she sat down she just so happened to be right next to this... 

Which at first glance is just a nice view. But if you look in the bottom right corner you will see a mud puddle. Not just a any mud puddle but a mud puddle that is awfully close to the edge of the cliffs. Jorie sat for about 20 minutes and watched as people hopped over, scooted around, did everything in their power to avoid getting their shoes dirty... all while almost falling off the cliffs. Really people... lets take a step back from the situation and look at the bigger picture.... it wont matter how clean your shoes are if you fall over the edge and die... just a thought. 

After the Cliffs it was back on the bus for what seemed like for-e-ver.... It may have started to get to us... 

So you can imagine our excitment when we finally got to the Hotel. We were off the bus and have beds that we couldn't feel springs with every turn! 

This was Jorie's immediate reaction... and then she didn't move for about 10 minutes. I joined on my own bed about 2 seconds after I took this. When we could finally make ourselves move, we got cleaned up and had dinner at the hotel. After it was a night of exploring in Galway! 
Tomorrow we are heading off the the Aran Islands for the day! It should be fun... even though it's supposed to rain... Shocking for Ireland I know. 

Until Tomorrow... 

   Becca :) 

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