Tuesday, 3 July 2012

Tuesday tradish

It's Tuesday... you know what that means.
A long day full of classes.... And Moda for dessert of course.
In Wrting on the wall we talked about children in the troubles. Some of the images were enough to make you want to cry and through up at the same time. I can't believe all of the horrible things that happened in Northern Ireland during the troubles (some even in my lifetime) and I had no idea. Being that the program is only six weeks of classes, we have to cram in a lot on information in a short amount of time. It has really shown me how much there is to learn about the world. Ireland is very concerned with the politics of the United States and other news from all around the world to a degree that I haven't seen in the states. Im not sure if it's not there or I've just never taken the time to pay attention. But learning about the troubles has been an eye opening experience.

In between classes we of course went to Cafe Moda (which has turned into my second home here in 
Dublin). There was cake to be eaten and a bachelorette episode to be watched. We were going to work on our midterm.... But we definitely may have gotten caught up in chocolate cake and Emily Maynard. Can you blame us? Ok you probably can... Because it's the bachelorette and it's all that is wrong with the world... It's a guilty pleasure. So sue me.

My history class had a guest speaker who specialeized in the Irish language and the garlic revival. ** The Irish dont refer to their language as Gaelic. It is Irish. Even though it's  not spoken as commonly, especially here in dublin... That is their language. Irish has started to be reintegrated into the education system and children must learn Irish and pass an Irish proficiency exam to enter any university (all except trinity). If you go to the west coast like Co. Kerry or the Aran islands, Irish is there first language. ** Anyway... Class was awesome. If we had an Irish last name, Regina (the speaker) could tell us where in Ireland our family originated. I asked her about Duggan (which here is pronounced correctly, Dug-an instead of Doog-an). Regina told me us Duggans were from her home county of Kilkenny. She also said she grew up with some Duggans and used to pick strawberries with them. How cool is that? She then taught us some Irish words which we all butchered... but it was fun anyway.

Tomorrow is he 4th of July! While I am so sad I won't be in the states to celebrate, good ol' team America here in Dublin is going to celebrate!!! But you'll just have to wait to hear about that until then!

Until tomorrow...

   Becca :)

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