Friday, 6 July 2012


Today I quarantined myself to my apartment....

Ever since my last hostile stay I have been feeling increasing worse by the day.... Thanks again Edinburgh Backpackers... Anyway, the quarantine. It was something I really didn't want to do since I'm only in this beautiful city for a few more weeks, but considering I couldn't walk to my kitchen without practically coughing up a lung, it had to be done.... 
Needless to say, I have nothing too interesting from the day to post about.... Except maybe that the TV show Friends is blowing up in Dublin. Anyone who knows me knows how ecstatic that makes me. So I spent the day with Ross, Rachel, Phoebe, Chandler, Joey and Monica. 

In other random news.... 
Here are some more places that my good ol' 10 euro Dunnes runners have taken me! 

Courtyard at Edinburgh Castle 
1 o'clock gunfire ceremony at Edinburgh Castle 
Loch Ness in the search for Nessie 
Tomorrow I better be feeling better, because I've got a big day of exploring the city to do! If anyone would like to send me some chicken noodle soup, I would greatly appreciate it. They don't sell it here! What do the Irish eat with they are sick?! Hopefully I won't be sick long enough to find out... and now back to Friends... 

Until Tomorrow... 

   Becca :) 

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