Thursday, 19 July 2012


Last Day of class = weird 
After spending six weeks depressing us with Northern Irish Troubles I think AshTag wanted to try to end the class on a somewhat happier note, so he brought us muffins… Lovely AshTag, just lovely. Don’t get me wrong, we still watched a depressing movie based on true events of the Troubles, but this time we had chocolate muffins… so that made it a little better. 
After class half of us had to stick around to finish our papers. Even after we were done we took a little extra time because going home meant our time at IES was really over... and it was time to pack (something I was Dreading). 

The walk home from class Jor and I walked a little slower just to appreciate our neighborhood for one of the last times... I think after all the time I spent at Moda, a picture expressing my love is all too appropriate.... 

Then we went to the bookstore down the street where I almost bought this book.... 
The Irish equivalent to "Keep Calm and Carry On." It was filled with quotes and Irish proverbs like, "If you're lucky enough to be Irish, you're lucky enough." This one I think is pretty fitting to describe my time here.... 
Well said Mr. Haughey, well said. 
The rest of the walk home was just the same as always, but somehow sad and passed too quickly... Just before turning to take the shortcut by the daycare we passed Leo Burdock, said to have the best Fish n' Chips in Dublin... This is what we saw... 
Yes, that is a giant van full of chips. I think this proves my point about the amount of chips served in Ireland... they really are everywhere.

I'm not even sure what I did between class and dinner, but I can confidently tell you it was not packing or cleaning... and so after....sitting around? talking to Jor? we headed to Ranando's for dinner! 

After dinner we met up with the rest of the IES students for a Pubcrawl around Dublin for our last night... It wasn't really our last night but most people had early Saturday morning flights and Joe was leaving Friday morning, so Thursday Pubcrawl it was! 

It was a blast. Joe came to the first few pubs with us. Our first Sláinte (Irish for "health" but it's what you saying when you toast) was in his name, and then had to head back to his flat to pack before his flight back to the states.... and with that the first of the group was gone... 
It was sad, but he goes to IU (yuck) so I guess we can be friends despite his unfortunate choice in college. After Joe left we went the Whelan's, where we had heard from more than a few people that the pub scene in P.S I Love You was filmed. 

Yes I'm aware it's a horrible picture, but Gerard Butler stood there... and that's good enough for me. We kept getting the feeling that he was going to walk in any moment and sweep us off our feet!...No such luck... Way to go Hollywood. But we didn't let that keep us down! The night was brilliant and a great "last night" to spend with the group before we headed our separate ways! 

Tomorrow is our last full day and we're headed to the Zoo. We will be Joe-less, but still determined to have a great day! 

Until Tomorrow... 

   Becca :) 

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