Tuesday, 17 July 2012

These are a Few of my Favorite Things

Today was the last of the Tuesdays at Moda. Unfortunately for us we had to spend it studying for an exam rather than watching the Bachelorette and getting Banoffee. 
Since the day had to be spend studying and working on papers (yay) I thought I would share just a few random things I'm going to miss about Dublin.

The first is Moda.... I have spent a lot of time there, by myself working or with friends talking (when we really should be working)

Next are the doors... very random I know, but every door is a different color and it just brightens up my walks around the city! 

Muller.... It's yogurt and chocolate covered cereal heaven... My tiny section of our tiny refrigerator is stocked. They don't sell it in the states and I just can't quite come to terms with that... 

The daycare I pass on my way to class... want to know what's even better than Irish accents?... 5 year-olds Irish accents. The children are precious and there always seems to be at least a kid or two yelling for their ma or da. 

All of these are very random, but they add to the many reasons I love this place so much! I could go on forever, but there are final papers to be done... 

Until Tomorrow... 

   Becca :) 

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