Sunday, 1 July 2012

See Ya Lata Scotland!

Today pretty much just consisted of buying sweatshirts from Scotland.... having all our toothpaste and contact solution confiscated at the Edinburgh airport, and making it back to Dublin. So instead of dragging that out, I will share some random Scotland things that didn't fit anywhere else... 

The first stop on our tour had this store... heaven right? 

The name of our tour company... Rabbies... awkward?

** Not pictured... we just so happened to be in Scotland during their pride week. We saw people dressed up as mimes, pirates, golfers, and more. it was definitely interesting... 

** Also not pictured.... most of the stores in City Center had kilts in the store windows. Not even just the tourist shops... These were nice stores. We saw more than one couple dressed up for a night out with the men sporting the full kilt outfit. But sadly no bagpipes.... On the other hand, almost every single one of my videos has bagpipes playing in the background. 

Joe wanted to be like the pipers in my videos.... he has a ways to go. 

The weather was more bipolar than Dublin. It went back and forth from raining, to an extremely sunny cloudless sky, and back to raining about 10 times while at the castle. 
William Wallace. Scotland. Self Explanatory.

Stories o' Scotland Finished.

And now.... the most traumatic experience of my life...
We had just gotten back from Scotland and we were dog tired. Jorie had gone to take a nap and I was laying on the couch.... and I kept hearing some strange noises. So I got up to look.... I turned the corner and immediately saw two pigeons perched on my shower. They could sense my fear and were staring at me like they were about to peck me to death. Immediately I screamed as if they actually were pecking me to death, closed them in the bathroom, and continued to scream. Somehow in this process I knocked a painting off the wall and woke Jorie up, but didn't manage to scare away the piegons. After a minute they flew out the window and I learned never to open the bathroom window....ever again. Which is a real shame because our apartment gets horribly hot so windows are the only way to cool it off.
Part of this whole escapade may have partially been my fault... I knew we had had a pigeon problem due to the fact they have a rooftop cage matches at about 5 every morning (another reason why I don't sleep here)... either way... not that I ever liked the pigeons before, but now I am also a tad afraid of them....

And with that, I'm going to bed, windows closed, hoping I don't have nightmares of pigeons. 

Until Tomorrow, 

   Becca :) 

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