3:45 came around way too quickly today... I should actually say 2 am because thats when I woke up to make it to our 3:45 taxi... Just to give you an idea of how early it was, as Jorie and I were walking to Tesco to meet Joe and Babez to get a taxi, our roommate Bekah was coming home...
What are the chances of that?
Anyway, after that is was off to the airport for a lot of waiting. Our flight wasn't until 6:30, but when flying with RyanAir it's best to get there sooner rather than later... they aren't the most reliable airline... but they are the cheapest... and so RyanAir it is!
After the flight, somewhat questionable landing, hour bus ride from Beauvais airport to paris, and trek in the rain.... we were starving... and so begins the weekend where I gained 10 pounds in three days... It started off with brunch.... the biggest meal I have ever seen. It was our breakfast and lunch.... but still...
It was huge... and came with chocolate cake, baguette, and a croissant.... that was an early indicator I was going to like France... After we all but exploded from being so full we were off to find Patric's place. Patric is Sofia's uncle who so kindly offered to let us stay in his apartment. Not having to spend the night in a hostel was reason enough for me to be excited but once we actually got to Patric's, I felt like I was in a movie. His apartment is about a 10 minute walk from the Arch de Triumph, and gorgeous doesn't even begin to cover it... we were greeted by their Monday through Friday housekeeper and were told that the weekend housekeeper would be along later to prepare dinner for us... I was really just expecting a place to sleep...this was really above and beyond.
Once Patric got home he greeted us all with kisses on both checks (yes, everyone really does do that) and gave us some pointers for navigating the city... and with that we were off to explore! First stop was the Eiffel Tower!
Did I mention that we just so happened to be in Paris for Bastille Day? July 14th is Frances independence day so the city, (and especially the tower) were packed. But either way it was awesome!
No your eyes are not deceiving you. Yes, that is a giant disco ball hanging from the center of the tower. Like I said... Bastille Day.
From the tower we caught a bus tour just to get more acquainted with the city and see some sights!
The bus tour was amazing and helped us figure out what we wanted to go back and see. We were in Paris for about 3 days and planned on using every minute of it! We of course made time to eat. This time it was chocolate and banana crepes.
It was even better than it looks if thats possible.
Here is what I don't get.... French people are all skinny... They have all of this good food around them all the time... they must have some extreme self control.
After the crepe heaven, we walked around before heading back to the apartment for dinner and then more sightseeing after. The first day was packed just as the rest of the weekend will be! But I'm looking forward to it!
Until Tomorrow,
Becca :)
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