Friday, 20 July 2012

Im a Kangaroo?

If you think going to the Zoo as a group of 20-something year-olds in Ireland sounds like a perfectly normal thing to do... you'd be wrong. 
The sun was shining and there wasn't a rain cloud in the sky so Jor, Sof, Kaitlyn, Paddy, Babez and I hopped on the bus to Phoenix Park to check out Dublin Zoo. 

When we got to the Zoo we realized we were the only people not pushing a pram (stroller) or a dragging a child on a leash.... **I would like to add these weren't the backpack kid leashes they have in the States that look like some kind of animal with a long tail that the parent holds on to... at least those attempt make it look as though kids aren't puppies... But no, these were straight up harnesses attached to leashes.... 
We didn't let the fact that we were childless and may have looked like kidnappers stop us from having fun! We saw a tiger having lunch, penguins (in the safari exhibit?), a 3-day old giraffe, and we even had time to let Paddy become his own exhibit....

I think he fits in pretty well! We all decided if he were an animal Paddy would probably be a walrus. This started the "what animal would I be?" game... At first I was a spider monkey, but it finally came down to a tie between that and a kangaroo... I'm ok with that...After spending the day looking at all the exbitis we said good-bye to Dublin Zoo... 

...and headed to Grafton to meet Kaitlyn's mom at Gormet Burger Kitchen. We our course were missing Joe so we snapchatted him... 

...ate our meal and headed to Gino's Gelato for one last time... The day was full of "last times" including our last night at Bernard Shaw... 
Even though I always love Bernard Shaw, this visit was very different. We were all kind of quite because we knew the end of the night meant a lot of goodbyes.... When those came around I cried held it together. It was so hard to say goodbye to these people that I have grown to love and hold so very dearly to me! 
It was an extremely bittersweet day, as I'm sure tomorrow will be too. The parents are coming to get me and I'll be saying goodbye to #5 Trinity House.

Until Tomorrow... 

   Becca :) 

Thursday, 19 July 2012


Last Day of class = weird 
After spending six weeks depressing us with Northern Irish Troubles I think AshTag wanted to try to end the class on a somewhat happier note, so he brought us muffins… Lovely AshTag, just lovely. Don’t get me wrong, we still watched a depressing movie based on true events of the Troubles, but this time we had chocolate muffins… so that made it a little better. 
After class half of us had to stick around to finish our papers. Even after we were done we took a little extra time because going home meant our time at IES was really over... and it was time to pack (something I was Dreading). 

The walk home from class Jor and I walked a little slower just to appreciate our neighborhood for one of the last times... I think after all the time I spent at Moda, a picture expressing my love is all too appropriate.... 

Then we went to the bookstore down the street where I almost bought this book.... 
The Irish equivalent to "Keep Calm and Carry On." It was filled with quotes and Irish proverbs like, "If you're lucky enough to be Irish, you're lucky enough." This one I think is pretty fitting to describe my time here.... 
Well said Mr. Haughey, well said. 
The rest of the walk home was just the same as always, but somehow sad and passed too quickly... Just before turning to take the shortcut by the daycare we passed Leo Burdock, said to have the best Fish n' Chips in Dublin... This is what we saw... 
Yes, that is a giant van full of chips. I think this proves my point about the amount of chips served in Ireland... they really are everywhere.

I'm not even sure what I did between class and dinner, but I can confidently tell you it was not packing or cleaning... and so after....sitting around? talking to Jor? we headed to Ranando's for dinner! 

After dinner we met up with the rest of the IES students for a Pubcrawl around Dublin for our last night... It wasn't really our last night but most people had early Saturday morning flights and Joe was leaving Friday morning, so Thursday Pubcrawl it was! 

It was a blast. Joe came to the first few pubs with us. Our first Sláinte (Irish for "health" but it's what you saying when you toast) was in his name, and then had to head back to his flat to pack before his flight back to the states.... and with that the first of the group was gone... 
It was sad, but he goes to IU (yuck) so I guess we can be friends despite his unfortunate choice in college. After Joe left we went the Whelan's, where we had heard from more than a few people that the pub scene in P.S I Love You was filmed. 

Yes I'm aware it's a horrible picture, but Gerard Butler stood there... and that's good enough for me. We kept getting the feeling that he was going to walk in any moment and sweep us off our feet!...No such luck... Way to go Hollywood. But we didn't let that keep us down! The night was brilliant and a great "last night" to spend with the group before we headed our separate ways! 

Tomorrow is our last full day and we're headed to the Zoo. We will be Joe-less, but still determined to have a great day! 

Until Tomorrow... 

   Becca :) 

Wednesday, 18 July 2012

Sofia Falls in Love

This paper may be the death of me... I worked all day on it... still not done... Thank goodness for our farewell dinner to give me a break! 

Tonight was the farewell dinner IES threw for everyone at Odessa in the temple bar area. The food was really good and of course I had a blast with everyone, but in the back of my mind it sank in a little more that my last day was coming near... but it's not here yet, so moving on! 
After dinner we all really wanted to sing karaoke, but there is not a karaoke place to be found in Dublin, so we went to the pubs... because lets face it.... there is no shortage of those. 

We saw this in the middle of the road on the way, I just thought it was a good reminder :) 

While at the Quay (pronounced key), Sofia was reunited with Brain, the singer/guitar player she fell in love with on the 4th of July. 
I'll give it to him, he was really good, and after he dedicated a "Sweet Home Alabama" to Sof, she was hooked.... The night at the Quay felt like we were at karaoke because we just sang along with Brain the whole night. 

I love all of these people and I will be so sad when we all go our separate ways! 

Tomorrow I've got a paper to finish, a suitcase to start packing, and friends to see to make every minute of the last fews days count! 

Until Tomorrow... 

   Becca :) 

Tuesday, 17 July 2012

These are a Few of my Favorite Things

Today was the last of the Tuesdays at Moda. Unfortunately for us we had to spend it studying for an exam rather than watching the Bachelorette and getting Banoffee. 
Since the day had to be spend studying and working on papers (yay) I thought I would share just a few random things I'm going to miss about Dublin.

The first is Moda.... I have spent a lot of time there, by myself working or with friends talking (when we really should be working)

Next are the doors... very random I know, but every door is a different color and it just brightens up my walks around the city! 

Muller.... It's yogurt and chocolate covered cereal heaven... My tiny section of our tiny refrigerator is stocked. They don't sell it in the states and I just can't quite come to terms with that... 

The daycare I pass on my way to class... want to know what's even better than Irish accents?... 5 year-olds Irish accents. The children are precious and there always seems to be at least a kid or two yelling for their ma or da. 

All of these are very random, but they add to the many reasons I love this place so much! I could go on forever, but there are final papers to be done... 

Until Tomorrow... 

   Becca :) 

Monday, 16 July 2012

The Final Week Begins...

I can't believe it was my last monday here in Rathmines... in my box cozy apartment... going to the IES center... walking by Bretzel Bakery (and smelling what I imagine heaven smells like)... its surreal and sad... but whether or not I like it, it's happening. I know I will be here another week with my parents in the Western part of Ireland, but the end of this week will mark the end of a life changing expereince. Luckily (or not so luckily) I have a ton of work to do this week to help distract me from the end of the week.... 
With that said.... 

Today in History of Ireland we were watching a movie and whose name should pop up in the subtitles but Eamonn Duggan... that's right. Duggan. Turns out my distant relative was an Irish Nationalist, a member of Sinn Fein, fought in the 1916 Easter Rising, and was the Director of Intelligence for the IRA. Now if you were like me 6 weeks ago, you will read this and think.... ummm what? 
To be brief, ol' Eamonn was a participant in one of the most important events in Irish history, signed the Anglo-Irish Treaty making the Republic of Ireland a free state...and I'm just going to go out on a limb and say he must have been the craic. 
Eamonn is the second man to the left in the front row... looking somewhere else.... Leave it to a Duggan to be doing something goofy in a picture. 
Something else thats pretty cool, the man he's standing next to is Arthur Griffith, the founder of Sinn Fein...he was a pretty big deal. In fact he is going to be on the test that I have tomorrow... 
Looks like I better hit the books! 

Until Tomorrow... 

   Becca :) 

Sunday, 15 July 2012

Au Revoir Paris

Today was our last day in Paris and we devoted the whole thing to the Louvre... which still wasn't enough time! 

 With our tickets we got Nintendo DS which had maps of the museum and audio guides for a lot of the pieces... 

It was awesome. The curators would explain the pieces, and the stories behind them which made me appreciate it so much more... everything was amazing, but here are a few of my favorites! 

The wedding at Cana
This ceilings... I couldn't get over them... Almost every room was totally different, but beautiful. 

I decided this is where the Wicked cover came from...? 
I liked this painting until I heard the story... and then I loved it 

And of course... 

I still can't believe I actually saw these... they were amazing... but my favorite would still have to be... 

Psyche Revived by Cupid's Kiss 
The sculpture itself was beautiful but the meaning and detail in 
I think I could have spent a week there and still needed more time to look....

Before heading to the airport we of course had to make one final pit stop... 
I think these contributed to the final 2 pounds of my 10 pounds in 3 days weight gain... oops? 
 The weekend was wonderful, but I was still excited to get back to DublinI can't believe I'm about my begin my last week with IES... its very bittersweet... Before I get too emotional... I better get ready for the week of final projects... yay. 

Until Tomorrow... 

   Becca :) 

Saturday, 14 July 2012

Nutella is my Hobby

Paris Day 2. 
Where to begin? It was busy. We walked all over. Saw incredible things. Ate incredible food... all on very little sleep. You with me? Ok good. 

We woke up bright and early with every intention of going to the top of the eiffel tower. But after we were told we would wait in line for at least 3 hours we decided to start with Norte Dame... that plan quickly changed when we walked out our door and down the road only to find every street blocked for the Bastille Day parade. So instead we watched! 

Literally probably 200 horses and riders of the French army. There was also a band, firetrucks, tanks, army men, jets overhead, and people everywhere... the weird thing was the crowd was silent for the majority of it... it was like no parade I've ever been too. 

After that we hoped on the metro (again somehow I got put in charge of navigating... but I did it!) and headed to Norte Dame..... It is by far the most intricate building I've ever seen. The girls and I were in awe of the inside and outside. After walking through we just sat and stared... Don't be fooled by some of the pictures where we looked bored, those were intentional.... it seemed like a funny idea to look bored at really amazing places at the time...? I'm going to blame in on very little sleep and leave it at that. 
Anyway... heres the good stuff. 

You wouldn't believe the amount of detail that covers every inch of this place. I think I spent 20 minutes just looking at the ceiling... It really left me speechless... yes that's right. Me, the girl that never shuts up... I was speechless. I wish I could put up all the pictures and videos and I took but that would be the longest post ever, and I have much more to share! 
After touring the inside we ate lunch at a cafe literally across the street from the front door. It was sunny out (even though the forecast predicted rain all weekend), we had great food, and we were sitting next to Norte Dame... seriously, I can't even begin to tell you how blessed I feel. 

After lunch and nutella and banana crepes (life changing amazingness... I could dedicate a post just to nutella...but I won't) we were off the explore along the river and find the lock bridge... but of course I couldn't do that without meeting up with good ol' Ben Failinger! 

He's studying in Oxford, but was in Paris so we met up and he tagged along with us for the day!... and may have also been our photographer along the lock bridge... Sorry/Thanks Ben. 
The Pont des Arts... it's a bridge that crosses the Seine River in Paris where couples lock a padlock onto the bridge and throw the key into the river... well the four of us decided it would be ok to do an IES Dublin Girls Padlock... so thats precisely what we did! 

 After that pit stop it was back to exploring along the river, finally ending up at the Arch de Triumph.... 

 Since the apartment was so close we made a pit stop to shower and then headed to the street where Moulin Rouge is before going to see the Eiffel Tower lit up. Moulin Rouge was interesting to see, but a quick walk down the street was enough for me... Because it was Bastille Day there were 200,000 people at the tower for fireworks so we couldn't get as close as we would have liked, but it was still pretty! 

Tomorrow we'll be spending the day at the Louvre before heading back to home sweet Dublin! 

Until Tomorrow... 
   Becca :)